In October 2018 I spent two weeks in Wyoming at Brush Creek Ranch. Autumn was in full force with brilliantly colored foliage and unsettled weather. Being a tributary of the North Platte River, the ranch supported an abundance of monolithic cottonwood trees. Their forms and placement along the creek define the landscape and indicate where water is present and plentiful. Ochres, yellows, and cinnabars mean water and life in this harsh and arid landscape. I walked and photographed the ranch in awe of the complexity and subtlety of the color. The trees with their intense chroma became my subject as they hugged the creeks and receded into deep space.
North Platte #1, oil on canvas, 24" x 36", 2019
North Platte #2, oil on canvas, 28" x 42", 2019
Bennet Peak, 24" x 48", oil on canvas, 2020
Brush Creek, 20" x 30", acrylic gouache on paper, 2020
Last Light # 1, 10" x 15", acrylic gouache on paper, 2019
Last Light # 2, oil on linen, 18" x 24", 2020
Overstory, 18" x 24", oil on linen, 2019
Stand, 13.75" x 17.75", acrylic gouache on paper, 2020
Source, 20" x 29.5", pastel on paper, 2020
Looking West, 18" x 24", oil on linen, 2019
Ranch, 24" x 32", oil on canvas, 2020
Pecos Canyon, 9" x 12", oil on panel, 2014
Cirque of the Towers, 12" x 16", watercolor on paper, 2020
East Temple #1, oil on panel, 9" x 12", 2022
East Temple #2, oil on canvas, 20" x 30", 2022
East Temple #3, oil on canvas, 2022
The Wilsons, oil on paper, 16" x 22", 2020